...cancelled some of my online accounts. I'll stick to this site + my twitter and facebook account. :) ♥jindra |
Monday, September 24, 2012
Just A Thought: 143 Days Before My Birthday
Book: The 5 People You Meet In Heaven
Book: Eat Pray Love
Just A Thought: His Song.
Your face is an image of a living statue..
Your sweet tender smile is full of memories..
And i hope you will always be a part of me.—
Your sweet tender smile is full of memories..
And i hope you will always be a part of me.—
James Laurel, 2003
First song written for me. This is highschool love. LOL
Excerpt: Why Does God Allow Evil?
by Rick Warren
The horrific mass murder of innocent Americans on 9/11 left all rational people shocked, angry, grief-stricken and numb. Our tears flowed freely and our hearts carried a deep ache.
With pain is so heartfelt and so personal, it’s only natural to ask, Why does God allow such evil to happen? If God is so great and so good, why does he allow human beings to hurt each other?
The answer lies in what is both our greatest blessing and our worst curse: our capacity to make choices. God has given us a free will. Made in God’s image, he has given us the freedom to decide how we will act and the ability to make moral choices. This is one asset that sets us apart from animals, but it also is the source of so much pain in our world. Every one of us is capable of making selfish, self-centered or even evil choices. Whenever that happens, people get hurt.
Sin ultimately is selfishness. I want to do what I want, not what God tells me to do. Unfortunately, sin always hurts others, not just ourselves.
God could have eliminated all evil from our world by simply removing our ability to choose. He could have made us puppets — marionettes on strings that he pulls. By taking away our ability to choose, evil would vanish.
But God doesn’t want us to be puppets. He wants to be loved and obeyed by creatures who freely, voluntarily choose to love him and each other. Love is not genuine if there is no other option.
Yes, God could have kept the terrorists from completing their suicidal missions. He could have short-circuited their ability to choose their own will instead of his. But, to be fair, God also would have to do that to all of us. While you and I aren’t terrorists, we do hurt others with our own selfish decisions and actions.
In a world of free choices, God’s will is rarely done! Doing our own will is much more common — much easier. Don’t blame God for the tragedy of 9/11. Blame people who ignored what God says to do: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
In heaven, God’s will is done perfectly. That’s why there is no sorrow, pain or evil there. But this is earth, a fallen, imperfect place. We must choose to do God’s will every day. It isn’t automatic. That is why Jesus told us to pray, “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”
The Bible explains the root of evil: “This is the crisis we’re in: God’s light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness … because they were not really interested in pleasing God” (John 3:19, Message). We’re far more interested in pleasing ourselves than we are in pleasing the one who made us.
Many other questions race through our minds during dark days, but the answers will not come from pollsters, pundits or politicians. We must look to God and his Word for comfort and direction, for answers to our questions. We must humble ourselves and admit that each of us often chooses to ignore what God wants us to do.
I suspect houses of worship across America have been packed this weekend, as they were the weekend after 9/11. In times of crisis we cry out to connect with our Creator. The urge is deep-seated and universal. The first words uttered by millions on Sept. 11, 2001, were, “Oh, God!”
We were made for a relationship with God, but he waits for us to choose him. He is ready to comfort, guide and direct us through our grief. But the choice is ours.
Book: One Day
Excerpt: Time by Jon Walker
We manage time; we waste time.
We spend time; we save time.
We wish the time would come; we wish the time would pass.
We see time fly; we feel time drag.
We watch clocks and carry calendars, creating the illusion that we somehow control time, yet all the while moments flow forward like a mighty river that cannot be stopped, harnessed, or re-routed.
We spend time; we save time.
We wish the time would come; we wish the time would pass.
We see time fly; we feel time drag.
We watch clocks and carry calendars, creating the illusion that we somehow control time, yet all the while moments flow forward like a mighty river that cannot be stopped, harnessed, or re-routed.
Excerpt: Fear
Fear is the emotion that keeps you stuck in the past. Fear paralyzes you. Fear is the number one problem most people face — fear that they’re not going to make it, fear of the future, or fear of what other people think.
There are three antidotes to fear:
- Fill your life with the truth. “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32 KJV). The more you fill your mind with God’s Word, the more it will drive fear from your life.
- Fill your life with love. “Perfect love casts out fear …” (1 John 4:18 NKJV). The more you get to know God, the more you will understand his unconditional love. As you understand his deep love for you, you will see that his perfect love drives away your fear.
- Fill your life with faith. As you begin to trust God and his perfect love for you, you will begin to overcome your fears. Faith is God’s antidote to fear.
If you are afraid that your life has fallen apart and your best days are behind you, you’re wrong. God can always turn things around. He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to “seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10 NIV).
No matter what you’re going through, no matter how bad your circumstances appear, turn from your fear and expect Jesus to restore your life.
Pray this prayer of Jeremiah: “Restore me, O Lord, and bring me back to you again! Give me back the joy I once had!” (Lamentations 5:21 NLT).
Book: Songs of the Humpback Whale
Book: Lone Wolf
Excerpt: Delays
Links: Daily Hope
Purpose Driven Newsletter Sign-up
I usually start my day by reading their message from my mail. Subscribe for free!
Excerpt: Jesus Reinstates Peter
JESUS: Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?
SIMON: Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
JESUS: Feed my lambs.
JESUS: Simon son of John, do you truly love me?
SIMON: Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
JESUS: Take care of my sheep.
JESUS: Simon son of John, do you love me?
SIMON: Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.
JESUS: Feed my sheep
Jesus did not ask him three times just to be sure that Simon really loves Him. He wanted Simon to understand his answers.
Jesus did not ask him three times just to be sure that Simon really loves Him. He wanted Simon to understand his answers.
Wanderlust: Pahiyas in Quezon
Pahiyas 2011
Since I was absent on my last shift last Saturday, I decided to join Nelly to experience Pahiyas Festival in Lucban, Quezon. Pahiyas Festival is a colorful feast in honor of San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of farmers.
It was soooo hot the whole day so we started it by buying huge native hats which originally cost 85Php but we haggled and got it for 80 pesos. Not bad!
We first went to Kamay ni Hesus Healing Church and went through the (almost) 300 steps to the shrine. Here’s the picture:
Imagine us after that- our knees are shaking for real!
From Kamay ni Hesus, we rode a tricycle going to the town proper of Lucban. Saw people chanting for peace. It’ll give you the festive-feeling and you’ll just say, “We are sooo here!”
Chant for Peace goes like this: Gopala Govinda Rama Madana Mohana - they chant these five words repeatedly.
And these pictures below are my faves:
me being amused and lost..
beautiful flower.
and ofcourse, my partner that day-Nelly who loved the rainbow colored bunot ng niyog. People are really creative.
Us making habhab the pansit of Lucban known as ‘Pancit Habhab’.
Nope. This one is not a float. This is one of the houses which they decorated with different agricultural products such as tomatoes, grain of rice, pumpkins, etc. Apparently, this is the Grand Prize Winner and awarded 60,000 pesos.
And to end this, here’s a picture of me and the people who went there for the Pahiyas. It was tiring yet fun. I was able to have short conversations with few strangers. People from Lucban are generally nice.
And to end this, here’s a picture of me and the people who went there for the Pahiyas. It was tiring yet fun. I was able to have short conversations with few strangers. People from Lucban are generally nice.
My legs still hurt since we walk like, uhmmm, most likely 10km for the whole day. Great work out!
photo credit: Nelly
Book: My Sister's Keeper
Just A Thought: Young Traveller
Excerpt: Read Reflect then ACT
These are my favorite quotes from Rick Warren. I wrote them on my journal to guide me on everyday life. Feel free to share. :)
Surrendering your life means -
* Following God’s lead without knowing where he’s sending you;
* Waiting for God’s timing without knowing when it will come;
* Expecting a miracle without knowing how God will provide;
* Trusting God’s purpose without understanding the circumstances.
Why do we wait? It teaches us to trust God. We learn that His timing is perfect. One of the facts that we have to learn is this: God’s delay never destroy His purpose.
GOD has the power of making something good out of something bad.
You may think you have challenges, but you have so many blessings. Sometimes it takes only a moment of conscious effort to recognize those blessings. Once you focus on the gifts instead of the problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere.
Everytime I begin to feel that there is no strength in me, I end up knowing that there is more in Him.
In the last few months, you may have hit bottom. Perhaps you’re at the bottom financially and you think, “I am going broke!” Or, you’ve hit bottom emotionally, or your marriage has hit bottom, or you’re having health problems. You’re frustrated and you think, “I’m going under.”
Where is God when you hit bottom? He’s right there underneath you. He is “your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you” (Deuteronomy 33:27 NLT).
Drop into his arms of love. Let him catch you and support you when you have nowhere else to go.
Walking with God means saying, ‘God, I’m going in your direction, not my direction. I’m going at your pace, just as fast or slow as you tell me.’
When the baby Jesus grows into a man, he will stretch his arms out as wide as the cross, saying, “I love you this much! I love you so much it hurts. I love you so much I’ll die for you so that I won’t have to live without you.
Some of us have developed a lifestyle of avoidance. We don’t want to get close to people because they might ask for help. They may actually need you, so you keep your distance.
When we live with this attitude, all of our relationships are superficial. We keep everyone at arm’s length because, otherwise, we might get involved. And if we get involved, we might get hurt.
This attitude keeps people out of sight and out of mind.
I’ll never forget one of our church building campaigns. Kay and I prayed about how much to give, and God told us to give an amount equal to one year’s salary. I didn’t know how we would live for an entire year without a salary, but we obeyed God.
About a month later, we saw God’s plan when a publisher asked me to write a book and offered an advance of $100,000. That book became The Purpose Driven Church.
Jesus makes us this promise in Luke 18:29-30: “Truly I tell you … no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life” (NIV).
“Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58b NIV)
God does not want you living a life filled with fears. You might call it coincidence, but there are 365 “fear not” commands in the Bible. That’s one for every day of the year. I would say God hates fear.
A lot of things seem natural. It’s natural to be self-centered, but acting on that desire might not be good for your kids or your spouse. Natural doesn’t mean it’s always good.
He always has your best interests in mind.
So when you feel like you’ve lost everything, stop focusing on what’s lost and start focusing on what’s left: God and his love for you.
God says that when you give to somebody else, you’re not throwing it away. It’s an investment in the lives of others. God says the one who gives will gain even more: “He who is kind to the poor, lends to the Lord and He will reward him for what he has done.” (Proverbs 19:17 NIV)
If you feel like God is a million miles away, guess who moved? God didn’t move; you did.
God doesn’t want rabbits to fly and eagles to swim. They are shaped to do what they are supposed to do, and you are shaped to do what God wants you to do. So stop trying to run other people’s races and go run God’s race for you!
You are supposed to run the race God has set for you. Not the race you set for yourself, not the race other people set for you, and not the race culture sets for you. You only run the race God has set for you. If you try to run any other course, you are going to fail and get discouraged.
You may be facing a dead end right now—financial, emotional, or relational—but if you will trust God and keep on moving in faith, even when you don’t see a way, he will make a way.
Revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing. That’s one of my favorite sayings. If you want to just be forgiven, confess your sins to God. But if you want to be healed, confess them to somebody else. It’s the power that comes from having a spiritual accountability partner or small group.
If you want to stop defeating yourself, you have to stop deceiving yourself.
You need to learn to say no to grow. God doesn’t expect you to do everything.
The reason why so many people are discouraged today is that they are trying to please other people. Living for the approval of others is a weight that holds you back. You need to stop!
Remember what God says about you. No matter what negative thing that person says, remember that God says he loves you. God made you, and he has a plan and purpose for your life. God’s opinion is more important than any other person’s opinion.
The things that are out of your control are not out of God’s control. So pray!
You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life is never going to make sense.
When You Are Confronted, Choose to Love
When You Are Insulted, Choose to Pray
When You Are Neglected, Choose to Encourage
When You Are Rejected, Choose to Forgive
When You Are Applauded, Choose to Hope
Our society constantly takes the name of the Lord in vain. We hear it so often it doesn’t even offend us anymore. But it should! It bothers God. e not only commands it, He deserves it.
Faith is something we do.
Sin is always deceptive, and it always costs more than we think it will.
God loves variety. He never makes a duplicate of anything. Even identical twins are different. God’s creations are always unique, even with churches..
God keeps no record of wrongs.
Emotions lie. Feelings come and go.
One of the most effective tools the enemy will use to keep you from serving God this year is convincing you that you’ve either messed up too much or that you must clean up your life before you can get God’s attention. When these thoughts pop into your head, sniff the air for the scent of sulfur because they are lies straight from the fires of Hell!
Think about this: God never makes a bad decision. He never makes a mistake. He says if we trust him and listen to him, he will guide us. But we must ask in faith.
You will never have all your needs met by any person or group of people. God never meant it to be that way. They just don’t have enough love. Human love is limited. God’s love is unlimited, unconditional. No matter how deep your need is, he can fill it. And he never runs dry.
Ask God to open your eyes to what he wants to do through your life. He’s ready to turn the light on.
If you want to change your life, you need to change what you’re thinking about.
Your identity is shaped by your choices.
Walking with God means saying, ‘God, I’m going in your direction, not my direction. I’m going at your pace, just as fast or slow as you tell me.’
Wanderlust: Missing the Capones Island
Every time I see you, it reminds me of this beautiful life God has given to me… I may not see you everyday and it may take some effort just to feel you, no question asked, I really would. I’ll see you soon... ♥jindra |
Just A Thought: Some-kind-of a BUCKET LIST
I wanna go back to Thailand and ride an elephant.
I wanna go to India and wear their national costume.
I wanna see the beach in Indonesia and meet Ketut - the palm reader.
I wanna go to Santorini, Greece and dive in her ocean before watching the sunset.
I wanna fell in love in Paris and take a deep breath under the Eiffel Tower.
I wanna get lost in New York.
I wanna go to Netherlands and see for myself the million bulbs of tulips.
I wanna travel the whole Italy for a month. Try their wine. Learn their language. Eat their pasta and pizza.
I wanna go to India and wear their national costume.
I wanna see the beach in Indonesia and meet Ketut - the palm reader.
I wanna go to Santorini, Greece and dive in her ocean before watching the sunset.
I wanna fell in love in Paris and take a deep breath under the Eiffel Tower.
I wanna get lost in New York.
I wanna go to Netherlands and see for myself the million bulbs of tulips.
I wanna travel the whole Italy for a month. Try their wine. Learn their language. Eat their pasta and pizza.
Above all, I still want to have my retirement here in the Philippines. Laugh, praise the Creator, eat together with my family and experience the same shit from the government. Goodvibes! Nothing is perfect and this is a fallen earth! As long as you can still laugh, believe me, you’re on a right place. :)
much love,
Excerpt: Temptation by Rick Warren
Temptation begins by capturing your attention. What gets your attention arouses your emotions. Then your emotions activate your behavior, and you act on what you feel. The more you focus on “I don’t want to do this,” the stronger it draws you into its web.
Ignoring a temptation is far more effective than fighting it. Once your mind is on something else, the temptation loses its power. So when temptation calls you on the phone, don’t argue with it, just hang up!
Sometimes this means physically leaving a tempting situation. This is one time it is OK to run away. Get up and turn off the television set. Walk away from a group that is gossiping. Leave the theater in the middle of the movie. To avoid being stung, stay away from the bees.
Spiritually, your mind is your most vulnerable organ. To reduce temptation, keep your mind occupied with God’s Word and other good thoughts. You defeat bad thoughts by thinking of something better. This is the principle of replacement. You overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).
Foodie: Baked Potato Halves
Category: | Side Dishes & Condiments |
this is my version of Yellow Cab's Double Baked Potato Halves. i put a "mashed potato" and some cheese inside. hmmm yum!
Calorie Count: 10000000 -lol.
Milk - a cup
chopped onion and garlic -1tbs each
pepper and salt to taste
1. ofcourse, you have to scrub the potatoes very well. be sure there are no blemishes
2. cook the whole potato in a boiling water with pepper and rock salt
3. cut the potatoes into half lengthwise
4. scoop out 1/3 of the potato. leaving a shell-like potato boat.
5. mashed the scoop potato.
Meanwhile, for the mashed potato:
6. heat your pan and put some margarine.
7. put the garlic and then the onion. don't ever over cooked those two.
8. put in the mashed potato and then the milk.
salt and pepper to taste.
Baking time!
9. put some cheese in the boat-like-potato
10. fill it with the mashed potato you just cooked
11. put some cheese on top of the potatoes. (quickmelt)
12. bake for 5 minutes
enjoy! :)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Excerpt: What is Love?
The healthiest human emotion is not love but gratitude.
Today we’ve bought into this myth that love is uncontrollable, that it’s something that just happens to us. In fact, even the language we use implies the uncontrollability of love. We say, “I fell in love,” as if love is some kind of a ditch. It’s like I’m walking along one day and — bam! — I fell in love. I couldn’t help myself.
But I have to tell you the truth: That’s not love. Love doesn't just happen to you. Love is a choice, and it represents a commitment. Love is more than attraction and more than arousal. It’s also more than sentimentality, like so many of today’s songs suggest. By this standard, is love dead when the emotion is gone? No — not at all — because love is an action, and a behavior.
Over and over again in the Bible, God commands us to love each other, and you can’t command an emotion. If I told you right now, “Be sad!” you couldn’t be sad on cue. Just like an actor, you can fake it, but you’re not wired for your emotions to change on command.
If love were just an emotion, then God couldn't command it. But love is something you do. It can produce emotion, but love is an action.
Wanderlust: CORON - a piece of heaven.
March 12-14, 2012
A quick reference about what happened and how much we used for this trip. :)
Last December 29, I was able to buy promo tickets for the two of us thruAirPhilExpress. That’s 2,200 (1,100/pax) back and forth. Which is a very cheap since the usual price of the ticket going to Busuanga is approx 4k and another 4k for the return flight. 200 for the boarding pass in NAIA.
So before we go into details of this trip, here’s my good friend, Ma-Ann. She’s my friend since high school and we decided to have this trip since it’s our 12th year of being friends. :)
We didn’t do the usual thing of ‘travelling’. We didn’t have any reservations for the place and island hopping. Not even the van which would bring us to the town proper. We’re just pretty confident that everything will be fine. Since Pilipinas pa rin naman sya. haha! I made myself familiar with the place through blogs and articles online.
For the van transfers from Busuanga Airport to Coron Town Proper, there are several vans outside the airport. That’s 150/head. Here’s the number of Kuya Roland Lim (van driver): 09199468429
We met a local in the airport (whom I forgot the name) who brought us to a cheap lodge. Let’s call him, Manong Powerful. haha! He accompanied us from the airport to the lodge. We gave him 100pesos pang thank you. :P
Krystal Lodge is the place where we stayed. We paid 1000/night but there are cheaper rooms which is apparently, not available. Cheaper, I mean 400-500/night. :) The place is nice and people are soooo accommodating. Matter-of-fact, we had drinking session on our first night with Chris and Charlotte - lodge attendants. They are the one who told us not to purchase Island Tours which is all over the net. The cheapest Island Tour Package I got thru net is from CoronGaleri which is 1800/pax. You might like it since there’s no down payments (unlike others) if you want to avail the package. Just visit their office once you’re in Coron.
For the main event of this trip, God gave us a local named Eran Decena. haha! Instead of paying 1800 each, we just paid 1500 for the bangka. So that’s 750 each. What more kung marami kayo di ba? :) Here’s his contact information: 09499697561 / 09275172568 / eran.coron@yahoo.com
On our first night, we went to the public market to buy our lunch for the island hopping. We marinated pork chops, prepared some squids and fish for grilling.
Second Day (main event): Island hopping!
We were able to visit 6 spots in Coron:
1st: Kayangan Lake - entrance fee: 100/pax
-there are 100+ steps here. One of the signs there said: “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Keep nothing but memories. Kill nothing but time.”
1st: Kayangan Lake - entrance fee: 100/pax
-there are 100+ steps here. One of the signs there said: “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Keep nothing but memories. Kill nothing but time.”
2nd: Banol Beach - entrance fee: 100/pax
-very VERY very beautiful. This is my favorite beach so far! It is more beautiful than Boracay and Bohol beaches. Very Clean. ah basta. ang gaaaannnnddaaaa!
-very VERY very beautiful. This is my favorite beach so far! It is more beautiful than Boracay and Bohol beaches. Very Clean. ah basta. ang gaaaannnnddaaaa!
Here’s where we had our lunch together with Mang Eran and the 2 -super nice bangkeros.
3rd: Shipwreck - entrance fee: 100/pax
-I didn’t stay that long in the water gawa nung shipwreck and the thoughts of shark that might be living inside that ship. Mala-National Geographic lang ang aura eh. Yung tipong may biglang lalabas na pating. haha! So I just stayed sa kubo at nakipagkwentuhan sa may-ari ng isla. Sabi nya, nakaka-10k sya per day. So even though foreigners offered him hundred dollars, he said no. Ofcourse, bet nyang may maipa-mana sa mga chikiting nya someday. Shala ng pamana right? Isla!
-I didn’t stay that long in the water gawa nung shipwreck and the thoughts of shark that might be living inside that ship. Mala-National Geographic lang ang aura eh. Yung tipong may biglang lalabas na pating. haha! So I just stayed sa kubo at nakipagkwentuhan sa may-ari ng isla. Sabi nya, nakaka-10k sya per day. So even though foreigners offered him hundred dollars, he said no. Ofcourse, bet nyang may maipa-mana sa mga chikiting nya someday. Shala ng pamana right? Isla!
From 4th-6th and the rest of our stay, wala ng photos. :( Nalowbat yung camera namin then ayaw na nya magbukas. I think that’s because we used it underwater ng sobra-sobra. More sisid pa si Manong Bangkero dun sa shipwreck eh hanggang 10ft lang keri ni cam. :(
4th: CYC Beach - no entrance fee
-nothing much to do. Another snorkeling area.
-nothing much to do. Another snorkeling area.
5th: Twin Lagoon - entrance fee: 100/pax
-another favorite! Super lalim nung lagoon. Another thing I’m proud about myself, (not really proud but more of amazed -haha!) is to dive and swim to deep water kahit hindi ako marunong lumangoy. Thanks sa figure ko at kering-keri ko mag-floating. haha!
-another favorite! Super lalim nung lagoon. Another thing I’m proud about myself, (not really proud but more of amazed -haha!) is to dive and swim to deep water kahit hindi ako marunong lumangoy. Thanks sa figure ko at kering-keri ko mag-floating. haha!
6th: Twin Peak - no entrance fee
-Another snorkeling area. I just slept while my friend had another swim.
-Another snorkeling area. I just slept while my friend had another swim.
To summarize the gastos, here’s the list. Again, these are just the maingastos for a Coron Trip. I didn’t include the food prices. But believe me, it’s cheap. :)
1100 - plane ticket
300 - van from/to Busuanga Airport to/from Coron Town Proper
1000 - lodge for 2 nights
750 - bangka for the island hopping
400 - entrance fees for the islands
3550 Php - TOTAL -this is per head!
—-omaygad. Ngayon ko lang na-calculate yan. hahahaha ang powerful namin! :D
1100 - plane ticket
300 - van from/to Busuanga Airport to/from Coron Town Proper
1000 - lodge for 2 nights
750 - bangka for the island hopping
400 - entrance fees for the islands
3550 Php - TOTAL -this is per head!
—-omaygad. Ngayon ko lang na-calculate yan. hahahaha ang powerful namin! :D
much love,
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